Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The affect of advertising on youth culture Essay

The affect of advertising on youth culture - Essay Example an entire counter-industry of media watchdogs, critics and authors selling books on the dangerous influence of consumerism on children -- by marketing these products to adults. And while society debates the ethics of selling legitimate products to children, ongoing concerns surrounding underage smoking and drinking linger. Joe Camel might be dead, but what about alcohol advertisements showing (barely) legal drinkers doing things teenagers like to do as well, like dancing and interacting with friends and the opposite sex This paper will examine the problem of pushing consumerism on to children and adolescents, and how it affects them and others they deal with, especially family and peers. The focus will be on the United States, but information from researchers in other countries will be reviewed for the sometimes enlightening differences seen across cultures. Television is the medium explored in the greatest depth, although the Internet is a growing influence on children and a source of conflict in families (Tufte, 71). Efforts to control or restrict advertising to children will be examined as well. Definitions Culture can be defined as "the complex system of meaning and behavior that defines the way of life for a given group or society. Culture includes ways of thinking as well as patterns of behavior" (Anderson & Taylor, 2004, p. 58). Consumer culture, therefore, encompasses the culture of consumers, including their thinking, behavioral and buying patterns. Raymond Benton, Jr. defines consumerism as "the acceptance of consumption as the way to self-development, self-realization, and self-fulfillment," in a society or group that focuses on its consumption, not on its production (in Goodwin, 3). The terms "consumerism" and "commercialism" are often used... This essay "The affect of advertising on youth culture" outlines the impact of the ad on the children, how they controlled spending and how they became a big part of consumer culture. It is safe to say children learn as much, if not more, outside the classroom as they do inside it. Perhaps the most important mode of transmission for the consumer culture is through advertising, especially television advertising aimed at children. Most of this advertising is shown during children’s programming like Saturday morning cartoons and cable stations targeting children (Cartoon Network, Disney, ABC Family). Communications professor Dale Kunkel estimates a child sees about 40,000 television commercials a year (Dittman, p. 37). Advertisements do not end at the front door: Children are also bombarded with commercials in educational television in the classroom, with exclusive contracts for brand name products in the lunch room and hallways, and even corporate sponsored curriculum units, som e espousing controversial, highly political views. Long the target of feminists concerned about how young girls view their bodies, the Barbie doll has kept up with the marketing times as well: Mattel Inc. and MasterCard teamed up to offer the â€Å"Cool Shoppin’ Barbie,† complete with mini MasterCard, a shopping boutique setting and a credit card processing machine that, not surprising, â€Å"approves† every purchase (George, 60). The official website collects information about visitors’ shopping habits that can be used as marketing research (Stockwell, 11).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Jury of her peers Essay Example for Free

Jury of her peers Essay After the first reading 1. What do the women think happened at the farm? The women thought Mrs. Wright might have murdered her own husband. After the second reading 2. What is the climax of the story (When in the story does the narrative take a turn)? The story’s climax is when there are more evidences compiled at the end (the dead bird, broken cage, abuse, marital oppression) this turns the story to Minnie Foster as a victim and not as a criminal. 3. How well does this story fit the model of the stages of narrative? The story shows all the stages of narrative in correct order (intro, rising action, climax, falling action) except that the conclusion is left for the readers to think. 4. What other things do you notice? The women were not allowed to be jurors but in this story, they outsmarted their husbands/men in collecting evidences that would point to who the victim and who the murderer was. The strongest evidences would be the abuse and loneliness experienced by Mrs. Wright and the irony of how the bird and Mr. Wright were killed in the same way. 5. What questions do you still have? Â  Will the women tell their husbands/men what they saw? Will the women stand up at the trial for the evidences?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Government and Politics - Towards a Universal View :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Towards a Universal View As a registered voter of Minnesota I have seen first hand what it takes to get the younger generation to vote. Rule number one: Throw out the term "younger generation" we hate that. It seems as though our, male-dominated-over-fifty-white-washed government system has a tendency to categorize, everything needs to be correlated and filed away. They ask questions like, "What do we do with the 'Native Americans'? How can we improve the lives of 'lower income families'" This type of fragmentation is far from strengthening our nation. We need to move away from numbers and categories and move towards a more Universal view. I realize that the problems I mentioned above are real issues and they need to be dealt with. But talking about minorities like they are the plague isn't going to help anything. As you all know my governor is none other than Jesse the brain or body or whatever. On the day he was elected a wave of confusion swept the country. How did a Pro-Wrestler get elected to office? Simple, he spoke to everybody. Just to warn you this essay is not on how great Jesse is, personally I can't stand him. In every one of his speeches he addressed everybody, there were no boundaries, there were no dividers. Jesse didn't talk about the "rich" vs. the "poor", he didn't talk about "black" vs. "white," he talked about Minnesotans. As a result of this Jesse produced the greatest turn out of 18-24 year-old voters in Minnesota history. This doesn't mean the Jesse is the smartest guy in the world. Frankly I feel that he stumbled upon the answer by accident (that is merely my opinion). What he figured out was that you must talk to the voters at eye level. One more time just in case you missed it. TALK TO THE VOTERS AT EYE LEVEL! Yes that's right, get down off of your soapbox and talk to us. We'd much rather be "talked too" than "talked about." This isn't about lowering the voting age or sending out flyers or making phone calls. This is about bringing politics back to its roots. What it was way back on the Mayflower. Everybody huddled around that table on that boat and decided the rules. I realize that the population of these United States has risen considerably since then but that is no excuse for moving away from our roots.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

War and Heroism in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five Essay examples -

What is war? Is war a place to kill? Or is it a place where something more than just killing happens? War, as defined by the Merriam Webster is â€Å"a state or period of usually open and declared fighting between states or nations.† War, can also be viewed with romantic ideals where heroes and legends are born. Even the most intelligent of us hold some rather naà ¯ve notions of war. Upon reading Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five, intelligent readers have been divested of any romantic notions regarding war they may have harboured. In Slaughterhouse Five the reader is encouraged to show contempt for war and to abandon all hopes of thinking war as a place where deeds of heroism are and bravery are performed. A character in the novel, Roland Weary, seems to think the very opposite of what Vonnegut is trying to communicate in the novel. He sees war as an adventure, a time for exploration, not as a time where horrible atrocities are committed and where massacres take place. Even army personnel turn on each other. Billy Pilgrim who is being beaten by Roland Weary is saved from death, ironically, when a German patrol finds him. Another bunch of characters that seem to ‘mistake’ war as something fun is the English officers at the POW camp. In the words of Vonnegut, â€Å"they made war look stylish, reasonable and fun.† Another interesting thing that Vonnegut does is that he frequently uses the phrase â€Å"So it goes,† after every death or mention of dying in the novel. He uses the phrase very often, and after a certain amount of time, it begins to remind the reader that the reader is powerless to stop all the killing that is going on. Vonnegut uses irony very often to strengthen the readers’ contempt for war. Edgar Derby, the well-liked high sc... soldiers refuse to fire a shot due to the great personal conflict within them to kill another human being. Normal human beings cannot kill in cold blood. Normal human beings usually can’t even think about killing somebody. To not feel remorse after killing a fellow human being would be inhuman. Slaughterhouse Five is not a book that should be glanced over and discarded away like a dirty rag. Slaughterhouse Five is a book that should be carefully analyzed and be seen as an inspiration to further improve the well-being of mankind. Vonnegut makes it clear that an easy way to improve mankind is to see war not as a place where legends are born, but rather, an event to be avoided. Intelligent readers and critics alike should recognize Vonnegut’s work and see to it that they make an effort to understand the complexities behind the human condition that lead us to war.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

School Finance Article Analysis

After the Second World War, there has been a dramatic increase on school finance in the United States. Through the article, Guthrie explains some of the critical incidents that contributed the considerable increase of the per-pupil expenditures in public elementary and secondary learning institutions. Upon reading the article, one should have an understanding on how do certain events affect per student spending in America. Some of the factors cited by Guthrie are the constant expansions regarding the services offered by schools, more pricey specialized classes on high school students, and special education programs. Also, Guthrie includes that grants for students from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with disabilities make a contribution to increased costs. In the article, Guthrie suggests that it is very likely that the increasing expenditure on school finance continues. With this, the author offers some solutions to be considered to put a halt or, at the least, control its growth rate. Some of these are privatization and contracting. Just like the article states about the increasing per student expenditure, school finance in Massachusetts is also affected by the factors stated earlier. Thus, one can say that Massachusetts is on its way on a much higher education budget. In the event that the education status in Massachusetts will continue (that is, its school’s productivity is increased), there can be a possibility that the trend will snap, thus making the funds for public elementary and secondary schools could be minimized.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ap Biology Lab 1 Report Essays

Ap Biology Lab 1 Report Essays Ap Biology Lab 1 Report Essay Ap Biology Lab 1 Report Essay Lab 1 Diffusion, Osmosis, and Water Potential of Glucose Problem: What effects will glucose have on diffusion, osmosis, and water potential? Background: All living things have certain requirements they must satisfy in order to remain alive. These include exchanging gases (usually CO2 and O2), taking in water, minerals, and food, and eliminating wastes. These tasks ultimately occur at the cellular level, and require that molecules move through the membrane that surrounds the cell. There are two ways that the molecules move through the membrane: passive transport and active transport. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region in which they are highly concentrated to a region in which they are less concentrated. Diffusion occurs when a system is not at equilibrium. Several factors affect how fast a molecule will diffuse. The first of these is the kinetic energy of the molecule, which is most frequently measured as the temperature of the system. The size of the molecule also affects how rapidly it will diffuse. Diffusion can occur through a cell membrane. The membrane allows small molecules like water (H2O), oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and others to pass through easily. It is said to be permeable to these molecules. Osmosis is a special case of diffusion. In this case, a large molecule like starch, is dissolved in water. The starch molecule is too large to pass through the cell membrane, so it cannot diffuse from one side of the membrane to the other. The water molecules can, and do, pass through the membrane. Hence, the membrane is said to be semi-permeable, since it allows some molecules to pass through but not others. However, on the side of the membrane with the starch, the starch molecules interfere with the movement of the water molecules, preventing them from leaving as rapidly as they enter. Thus, more water flows into the side with the starch than flows out, and the starch gets diluted. If the starch is in a cell, the water moves into the cell faster than it leaves, and the cell swells. The cell membrane acts somewhat like a balloon, and if too much water enters the cell, the cell can burst, which kills the cell. So cells usually have some kind of mechanism for preventing too much water from entering or pumping the water out or simply making a tough outer coat that will not rupture. Data and Observations: ? ? ? Results and Discussion: Given the information recorded, it seems that the more sucrose is present the more water is taken away from the cell. That is when it comes to the potato. When only a dialysis bag is present however, the more sucrose, the more water that is taken in. References: Reece, Jane. Campbell, Neil. Biology Seventh Edition. San Francisco: Pearson, 2005 biologycorner. com/bio1/diffusion. html# http://hyperphysics. phyastr. gsu. edu/hbase/Kinetic/diffus. htm l

Monday, October 21, 2019

Multiculturalism in Childrens Writing in the US in the 1980s The WritePass Journal

Multiculturalism in Childrens Writing in the US in the 1980s Introduction Multiculturalism in Childrens Writing in the US in the 1980s ]. Cai, M. (1998) Multiple definitions of multicultural literature: Is the debate really just ivory tower bickering. The New Advocate, 11(4), 311–324. Cai, M. (2002) Multicultural literature for children and young adults: Reflections on critical issues. Milton Keynes: Lightning Source. Cohen, V., and Cowen J. (2008) Literacy for Children in an Information Age: Teaching Reading, Writing, and thinking. Bedmont: Thompson Wadsworth. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. (2008) Prayer Rug. [Online] Available from [Accessed 11th October 2014]. Fisherman, A. R. (1995) Finding ways in: Redefining multicultural literature. The English Journal, 84(6), 73–79. Gopalakrishnan, A. (2010) Multicultural Children’s Literature: A critical approach. California State University, Los Angeles: Sage Publications Larrick, N. (1965, September). The all white world of children’s books. The Saturday Review, 63–65, 84–85. Norton, E., Norton, S. E. (with McClure, A.). (2003) Through the eyes of a child: An introduction to children’s literature. Upper Saddle Fiver, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall. Lindgren, M. V. (1991) The multicolored mirror: Cultural substance in literature for children and young adults. Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin: Highsmith. Neff D., (1997) The Intifada Erupts, Forcing Israel to Recognize Palestinians Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. December 1997, p. 81-83. Peterson, A. (1994) Dictionary of Islamic Architecture. London: Routledge Rosenblatt, L. M. (1978). The reader the text the poem: The transactional theory of the literary work. Carbondale Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press. Schwartz, E. G. (1995). Crossing borders / shifting paradigms: Multiculturalism and children’s literature. Harvard Educational Review, 65(4), p. 634–651. Shannon, P. (1994). I am the canon: Finding ourselves in multiculturalism. Journal of Childrens Literature, 20(1), p 1–5. Sims Bishop, R. (1982) Shadow and substance: Afro-American experience in contemporary children’s fiction. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. Sims Bishop, R. (2007). Free within ourselves: The development of African American children’s literature. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Soucek, G. A., (2006) Doves (Complete Pet Owners Manual). New York: Barrons Educational Servies Inc Stevens C. A., (1989) Turkey Palestine: Both Middle Eastern Secular Democracies Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. March 1989, p 17. Stickles, F.C., and Townsley J. (1988) The Flag Balloon. Washington: Amer Educational Trust Topek, S. R., and Kahn, K. J. (1988) Israel Is. United States: Kar-Ben Pub

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Spanish Conquistadors

The Spanish Conquistadors From the moment of Christopher Columbus discovery of lands previously unknown to Europe in 1492, the New World captured the imagination of European adventurers. Thousands of men came to the New World to seek fortune, glory, and land. For two centuries, these men explored the New World, conquering any native people they came across in the name of the King of Spain (and the hope of gold). They came to be known as the conquistadors. Who were these men? Definition of Conquistador The word conquistador comes from Spanish and means he who conquers. The conquistadors were those men who took up arms to conquer, subjugate, and convert native populations in the New World. Who Were the Conquistadors? Conquistadors came from all over Europe. Some were German, Greek, Flemish, and so on, but most of them came from Spain, particularly southern and southwestern Spain. The conquistadors typically came from families ranging from the poor to the lower nobility. The very high-born rarely needed to set off in search of adventure. Conquistadors had to have some money to purchase the tools of their trade, such as weapons, armor, and horses. Many of them were veteran professional soldiers who had fought for Spain in other wars, like the reconquest of the Moors (1482-1492) or the Italian Wars (1494-1559). Pedro de Alvarado was a typical example. He was from the province of Extremadura in southwestern Spain and was the younger son of a minor noble family. He could not expect any inheritance, but his family had enough money to purchase good weapons and armor for him. He came to the New World in 1510 specifically to seek his fortune as a conquistador. Armies Although most of the conquistadors were professional soldiers, they werent necessarily well-organized. They were not a standing army in the sense that we think of it. In the New World, at least, they were more like mercenaries. They were free to join any expedition they wanted to and could theoretically leave at any time, although they tended to see things through. They were organized by units. Footmen, harquebusiers, cavalry, and so on served under trusted captains who were responsible to the expedition leader. Conquistador Expeditions Expeditions, such as Pizarros Inca campaign or the countless searches for the city of El Dorado, were expensive and privately financed (although the King still expected his 20 percent cut of any valuables discovered). Sometimes the conquistadors themselves chipped in funds for an expedition in the hopes that it would discover great wealth. Investors were also involved: wealthy men who would provision and equip an expedition expecting a share of the spoils if it discovered and looted a rich native kingdom. There was some bureaucracy involved, as well. A group of conquistadors could not just pick up their swords and head off into the jungle. They had to secure official written and signed permission from certain colonial officials first. Weapons and Armor Armor and weapons were crucially important for a conquistador. Footmen had heavy armor and swords made of fine Toledo steel if they could afford them. Crossbowmen had their crossbows, tricky weapons which they had to keep in good working order. The most common firearm at the time was the harquebus, a heavy, slow-to-load rifle. Most expeditions had at least a few harquebusiers along. In Mexico, most conquistadors eventually abandoned their heavy armor in favor of the lighter, padded protection the Mexicans used. Horsemen used lances and swords. Larger campaigns might have some artillerymen and cannons along, as well as shot and powder. Loot and the Encomienda System Some conquistadors claimed that they were attacking the New World natives to spread Christianity and save the natives from damnation. Many of the conquistadors were, indeed, religious men. However, the conquistadors were far more interested in gold and loot. The Aztecs and Inca Empires were rich in gold, silver, precious stones, and other things the Spanish found less valuable, like brilliant clothes made of bird feathers. Conquistadors who participated in any successful campaign were given shares based on many factors. The king and the expedition leader (like Hernan Cortes) each received 20 percent of all loot. After that, it was divided up among the men. Officers and horsemen got a larger cut than foot soldiers, as did crossbowmen, harquebusiers, and artillerymen. After the King, officers, and other soldiers had all gotten their cut, there was often not much left for the common soldiers. One prize which could be used to buy off conquistadors was the gift of an encomienda. An encomienda was land given to a conquistador, usually with natives already living there. The word encomienda comes from a Spanish verb meaning to entrust. In theory, the conquistador or colonial official receiving an encomienda had the duty of providing protection and religious instruction to the natives on his land. In return, the natives would work in mines, produce food or trade goods, and so on. In practice, it was little more than slavery. Abuses The historical record abounds in examples of conquistadors murdering and tormenting native populations, and these horrors are far too numerous to list here. Defender of the Indies Fray Bartolomà © de las Casas listed many of them in his Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies. The native populations of many Caribbean islands, such as Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico, were essentially wiped out by a combination of conquistador abuses and European diseases. During the conquest of Mexico, Cortes ordered a massacre of Cholulan noblemen. Only months later, Cortes lieutenant Pedro De Alvarado would do the same thing in Tenochtitlan. There are countless accounts of Spaniards torturing and murdering natives to obtain the location of the gold. One common technique was to burn the soles of someones feet to get them to talk. One example was Emperor Cuauhtà ©moc of the Mexica, whose feet were burned by the Spanish to make him tell them where they could find more gold. Famous Conquistadors Famous conquistadors who have been remembered in history include Francisco Pizarro, Juan Pizarro, Hernando Pizarro, Diego de Almagro, Diego Velazquez de Cuellar, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Juan Ponce de Leon, Panfilo de Narvaez, Lope de Aguirre, and Francisco de Orellana. Legacy At the time of the conquest, Spanish soldiers were among the finest in the world. Spanish veterans from dozens of Europeans battlefields flocked to the New World, bringing their weapons, experience, and tactics with them. Their deadly combination of greed, religious zeal, ruthlessness, and superior weaponry proved too much for native armies to handle, especially when combined with lethal European diseases, such as smallpox, which decimated native ranks. Conquistadors left their marks culturally as well. They destroyed temples, melted down golden works of art, and burned native books and codices. Defeated natives were usually enslaved via the encomienda system, which persisted long enough to leave a cultural imprint on Mexico and Peru. The gold the conquistadors sent back to Spain began a Golden Age of imperial expansion, art, architecture, and culture. Sources Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. The Conquest of New Spain. Penguin Classics, John M. Cohen (Translator), Paperback, Penguin Books, August 30, 1963. Hassig, Ross. Aztec Warfare: Imperial Expansion and Political Control. The Civilization of the American Indian Series, First Edition Edition, University of Oklahoma Press, September 15, 1995. Las Casas, Bartolomà © de. The Devastation of the Indies: A Brief Account. Herma Briffault (Translator), Bill Donovan (Introduction), 1st Edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, February 1, 1992. Levy, Buddy. Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma, and the Last Stand of the Aztecs. Paperback, 6/28/09 edition, Bantam, July 28, 2009. Thomas, Hugh. Conquest: Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico. Paperback, Reprint edition, Simon Schuster, April 7, 1995.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Procedures in the Physical Sciences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Procedures in the Physical Sciences - Essay Example Measurement is a very important parameter in the field of physical sciences. Different methods of measurements have used to determine various aspects of the physical environment. Units precede every kind of measurement. They help in giving a description of the physical quantity in question hence enhancing comparison. The three major quantities in physics include length measured in meters, time measured in seconds and mass that is measured in kilograms. The Metric system of measurement has been adopted in most of the countries of the world while the British System of measurement, famous for use inches, miles, and pounds among others has a minimal use in the world despite its ubiquitous use the United States of America. Despite the technological progress experienced in the world today, several challenges are encountered in the measurement of the physical environment. Every measurement made has an associated error that should be recognized whenever a quantity is measured. This error has a numerical value that tries to correct the quality of the estimation done through measurement. Furthermore, it can be in form of a standard uncertainty, whereby the error has a standard figure or a coverage interval whose figure will have a given range of values. However, efforts have been made in trying to minimize these uncertainties. The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has developed â€Å"The Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement† to help in enacting a common approach to the errors encountered in measurement. In astronomical sciences, it is difficult to use direct measurement calling for indirect measurement strategies. A unique method utilised by the astronomers is the parallax method. This method involves observation of the position of heavenly bodies at different times. They consider factors such as the precise location of the body, the time, the diameter of the earth’s orbit, the angle of viewing to elucidate the distance f rom the earth the heavenly body is located. Geometry is a key science in the calculations since the process involves analysing angles and distances to obtain an unknown distance (Finkelstein 2009). Such distances are unverifiable hence the exact distance especially for heavenly bodies to the sun cannot be determined in precision. Another major setback in measurement is lack of coherence in the communication of measurements. In quantum mechanics, disparities occur because of non-compliance with the recent regulations but instead trusting the predefined and pretested strategies. Space and time are aspects that have depicted some major measurement differences because of their reconstruction from observable quantities. This has created massive measurement challenges in quantum mechanics (Gambini and Pullin, 2012). According to the duo, there occur instances when the quantum state of the machine cannot be differentiated from the statistical components throughout the measurements made. Th is dimension of thought predicts the possibility of other errors in the measurement of a physical system. Technology has influenced the way measurements are done in a great way. The advancement in the computing methods has revolutionised the way measurement of physical elements is made. It has become apparent that most of the measuring instruments have been digitised or they have a

Friday, October 18, 2019

New Worlds development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

New Worlds development - Essay Example This is more significant as they all hoped to find the wealth as they responded with a mixture of diplomacy and violence to the native people. In addition, they all had an intention to introduce Protestantism among the Americans as they built churches in their colonial areas. The goals of the Spanish, French, and English differed as they had different reasons for colonizing of America. France focus was on the economic trade in America would have on their nation while the English focused on the deep desire to explore the new world in America and expand its nation’s territory (Cheyney, 2004). The Spanish, on the contrary, concentrated on inhabiting the land, besides achieving economic superiority over other European nations. The Spanish colonies were different from the English and French colonies as it developed large and expensive colonial bureaucracies. These bureaucracies eventually led to individual proprietors that in turn played a large role in development of English and French colonies. On the contrary, English and French colonies played a more significant as they brought change that led to a greater regional variety in economic, social, cultural, and political institutions structure, especially in regions of English colonies (Bulliet & Kyle, 2010). It is therefore, significant that the Spanish, English, and French colonies brought a lot of change during their colonization of America that describes the new world developments. Bulliet, R. & Kyle, P. (2010). Crossley the Earth and its peoples a global history. New York: Cengage Learning. Cheyney, E. (2004). European Background of American History. New York: Kessinger

Family Counseling Approach Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Family Counseling Approach - Research Paper Example paid closer attention to some of the details and this allowed them to evolve the concept of the family into a more descriptive entity where strong supportive bonds and long-term roles and relationship help people build their lives around (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013). These relationships may or may not be even by blood or by marriage but the fact that they count in the overall organization of the family makes them essential. The report herein will look at one of the many approaches that were developed as a way of dealing with this context and its point of view delved into to help understand its principles and theorems. This approach is the Bowen family systems approach or the intergenerational approach. Coined by psychiatrist Murray Bowen, this theory views the family as an emotional unit and utilizes the symbolism of a systems’ thinking to describe the intricacy of the interactions therein. As a family, connections are very intense and mostly border on the emotional perspective. Family members are profoundly attached to the other’s thoughts actions and even feelings naturally making it seem like they are one and the same thing. It is at the family level that children grow learning some of the basic attribute such as love, belongingness, need for attention and approval, and the way people react and support each other’s expectations and needs and how the lack of these may affect their growth later on in life (brown, 1999). However, when some of these are lacking, the child may not understand and will grow thinking that they way they are was meant to be. Their interactions create emotional interdependence which is presumed to be a significant factor in the promot ion of cohesiveness and cooperation in the family. It is expected that the family is the only unit that is supposed to provide all the basic requirements such as shelter, clothing and food as well as protection for its members (Guerin et al., 1996). Despite these expectations, any heightened

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysing research literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analysing research literature - Essay Example It is also identified to be associated with different issues which include health problems, obesity and hearing problems among others. In this regard, the research study conducted in this journal is conducted with the objective of ascertaining the importance of physical activity (PA) for the children along with young people having DS. The journal implies that PA is an essential element for the management and for the prevention of chronic diseases in children. Moreover, PA aids in reviving health conditions of individuals so that children and young people have better physical fitness and body mass. Consequently, the children and young people will be facilitated with the opportunity of having an independent life. In this respect, the study in the journal article has provided adequate knowledge to different researchers about the importance of PA in children and young people about the influence of DS. Respectively, the study in the journal has provided important information in relation t o research methodologies along with intervention design that are appropriate for the people suffering from DS. Thus, the study has been effective in briefing the importance of PA in the early life of children and young people affected with DS for its better intervention along with assisting them to develop with a better health and body growth (Downs & et. al., 2013). There is a procedure on the basis of which journals are to be critically reviewed which includes introduction, literature review, discussion and conclusion (Shon, 2012). Consequently, a mixed response can be depicted for the article. Critical Analysis PA is an important element assisting children and young people to grow and develop with greater independence as it can be recognised from the study of various researchers. Additionally, it is critically argued that children and young people with DS should be provided with adequate knowledge in relation to PA so that they are able to develop physically along with in terms o f body mass (Kasser, 2005). PA which includes swimming, walking along with other exercises have assisted people with DS by a significant extent to retain healthy body and to prevent illness. PA has been an efficient measure for minimising health issues associated with DS which include obesity and cardiorespiratory problems. In this regard, it has been identified that deficiency of PA is one the major causes of DS. Additionally, a lack of PA amid individuals with DS tends to enhance the risks in relation to health problems (Urbano, 2010). The study has also been effective in ascertaining the facilitators and the barriers in relation to PA. Contextually, the article has provided adequate information about the various aspects of DS and the importance of PA in minimising risks associated with DS. In a similar context, Stanish & Frey (2007) have stated that there are several facilitators and barriers to PA. In this context, the most important facilitator is the parents and on the other h and, the barriers comprise transportation cost and social interaction among others (Stanish & Frey, 2007). These are the several strengths that can be derived from the research study in this journal (Downs & et. al., 2013). According to Jobling (1994), PA plays an effective role in the life of people having DS. PA assists them to grow and develop independent skills so that they are able to retain a healthy life in future (Shields & et. al., 2009; Jobling, 1994). Similarly, Buckley (2007) has stated that PA

Resersal of fortune by Patrick R. Keefe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Resersal of fortune by Patrick R. Keefe - Essay Example Whereas a discussion of the legal engagement and litigation would have been a none too interesting approach, the author instead able to utilize foreshadowing, a representation of the back story and flash forwarding as a means of engaging interest and promoting the action itself where it might otherwise be a boring or ignored. As a function of this particular level of analysis, the author will discuss some of the core strengths and weaknesses of the article in question, â€Å"Reversal of Fortune†, as well as analyzing what aspects could have made the story more effective and powerful to the reader. Similarly, the author also utilizes rhetorical mode and arrangement as a way of highlighting the argument. Ultimately, many critics of this particular article may point to its excessive length as a primary shortfall with regards the interest of the reader might share. However, this link is only the result of the fact that the writer takes a nuanced and differentiated view of the subject matter at hand. Rather than merely delving into the issue and explain both sides, the representation of the back story and a firm and thorough discussion of the data that supports the case is represented. Furthermore, by arranging the topic in terms of a simulant to the way in which a defendant and a prosecution might operate, the author is able to represent the manner through which the case itself is indicative of the lawsuit and legal entanglements that are so effective in understanding what actually occurred. By allowing the reader to make a determination for themselves, rather than for speeding f acts and opinions, the author is able to present a nuanced case that can be understood and appreciated by all individuals that reader; regardless of their political or socioeconomic affiliation/understanding of South American politics and the means

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analysing research literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analysing research literature - Essay Example It is also identified to be associated with different issues which include health problems, obesity and hearing problems among others. In this regard, the research study conducted in this journal is conducted with the objective of ascertaining the importance of physical activity (PA) for the children along with young people having DS. The journal implies that PA is an essential element for the management and for the prevention of chronic diseases in children. Moreover, PA aids in reviving health conditions of individuals so that children and young people have better physical fitness and body mass. Consequently, the children and young people will be facilitated with the opportunity of having an independent life. In this respect, the study in the journal article has provided adequate knowledge to different researchers about the importance of PA in children and young people about the influence of DS. Respectively, the study in the journal has provided important information in relation t o research methodologies along with intervention design that are appropriate for the people suffering from DS. Thus, the study has been effective in briefing the importance of PA in the early life of children and young people affected with DS for its better intervention along with assisting them to develop with a better health and body growth (Downs & et. al., 2013). There is a procedure on the basis of which journals are to be critically reviewed which includes introduction, literature review, discussion and conclusion (Shon, 2012). Consequently, a mixed response can be depicted for the article. Critical Analysis PA is an important element assisting children and young people to grow and develop with greater independence as it can be recognised from the study of various researchers. Additionally, it is critically argued that children and young people with DS should be provided with adequate knowledge in relation to PA so that they are able to develop physically along with in terms o f body mass (Kasser, 2005). PA which includes swimming, walking along with other exercises have assisted people with DS by a significant extent to retain healthy body and to prevent illness. PA has been an efficient measure for minimising health issues associated with DS which include obesity and cardiorespiratory problems. In this regard, it has been identified that deficiency of PA is one the major causes of DS. Additionally, a lack of PA amid individuals with DS tends to enhance the risks in relation to health problems (Urbano, 2010). The study has also been effective in ascertaining the facilitators and the barriers in relation to PA. Contextually, the article has provided adequate information about the various aspects of DS and the importance of PA in minimising risks associated with DS. In a similar context, Stanish & Frey (2007) have stated that there are several facilitators and barriers to PA. In this context, the most important facilitator is the parents and on the other h and, the barriers comprise transportation cost and social interaction among others (Stanish & Frey, 2007). These are the several strengths that can be derived from the research study in this journal (Downs & et. al., 2013). According to Jobling (1994), PA plays an effective role in the life of people having DS. PA assists them to grow and develop independent skills so that they are able to retain a healthy life in future (Shields & et. al., 2009; Jobling, 1994). Similarly, Buckley (2007) has stated that PA

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Production Function for Buses - Edgeworth Box Assignment

The Production Function for Buses - Edgeworth Box - Assignment Example Our function will reproduce increasing returns to scale. This means that with an accumulation of production factors volume of produced goods will grow. To find a number of buses with every combination of production factors, it is necessary to substitute each number of employees and the number of machines for K and L indicators. Hence, if a number of machines are 14 and number of employees who make buses is 5, the calculation of production output will be the following: In accordance with above example, we can calculate all the rest level of production. (K=10, L=3): (K=8, L=1): etc. From the table, we can also see that in accordance with the accumulation of employees, the number of produced buses grows. Part (B) Make an ‘Edgeworth box’ diagram for the production of buses in Utropica: put the number of employees making buses on the horizontal axis (0 to 6), and a number of machines used to make buses on the vertical axis (0 to 16). Draw an isoquant line for 5 buses. On the same diagram, add an isoquant for 7 buses, and an isoquant for 10 buses. To draw an ‘Edgeworth box’ diagram for the production of a specific number of buses, it is required to find all combinations of factors that are able to create the stated level of production. Hence, using a table above, it can be seen that 5 buses can be produced by 10 machines and 1 employee or 8 machines and 2 employees. So there are several alternatives for this output. Consequently, finding all possible combinations, we receive points that will form the isoquant line on the diagram. Using the same method, we find combinations of the factors for producing 7 buses.

The Romantic Era Essay Example for Free

The Romantic Era Essay The basic notion behind the music belonging to the Romantic Era was its deep and realistic impact on the audience’s heart and mind. Such was the popularity of Romanticism amongst musicians that a certain number of them created their own unique templates. Along with the progressing popularity of the German lieder, newly introduced instrumental styles like overtures and symphonic poems also gained heat (Kirby, 1990). Classical music in this era prospered and rose to such a high notch that it is absolutely essential to state that some of music’s most magnificent works were created during this period. Legendary music composers including Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Schumann, have made priceless contributions to the romantic classical music. For example, Beethoven composed his later works in this period while Schubert composed a vast number of lieder, symphonies, chamber music, and piano solos. Furthermore, Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner also attained popularity in the mid 19th century on behalf of their sophisticated compositions. Liszt produced some extraordinary music for piano while Wagner combined the various forms of arts into his mythological musicals (Kirby, 1990). In the late 19th century, composers performed diverse experimentations on their works. For instance, Anton Bruckner had a tinge of both religion and secularism in his symphonies; Johannes Brahms found himself in Classicism; Giuseppe Verdi was responsible for some of the greatest operas of all time; Gustav Mahler composed for a full orchestra; and Richard Strauss made his name in symphonic poems and operas. Moreover, this era was also famous for its nationalistic characteristics. Musicians in the north and east side of Europe took the initiative to include a patriotic element in their compositions. Their basic inspiration for this matter was their local folk songs and dances. The renowned Russian composer, Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky was a significant figure of this category and is attributed for his nationalistic approach (Kirby,1990).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Merger Between US Airways and American Airlines

Merger Between US Airways and American Airlines Merger between US Airways and American Airlines Mergers and Acquisitions On December 9th, 2013 the two airlines, US Airways and American Airlines merged to form the American Airline Group that turn out to be the major airline in the world. This merger was structured by the enlarged competition that airlines are countenancing in the business at present. The merger offered a prospect for both airlines to make use of the benefits of an extensive network that would effect subsequent to merging as countered to when each one operates separately. One of the foremost circumstances that encircled the merger was the imminent insolvency of American Airlines. The company in 2011 had filed for bankruptcy even though it relapsed to profitability the same year in July. The merger would enhance admission to opportunities of business for both airlines, particularly American Airlines that would decrease its coverage to financial risks, which were the preliminary grounds for the corporation filing for bankruptcy. The merger would generate enhanced synergies that would be ap parent in the course of increased flexibility and financial strength in the market (DePamphilis, 2008). Each of the entities merged would have admission to further destinations and bigger clientele. Each of them would admission to a bigger destinations network i.e. 300 destinations all around the world. They as well had a code share contract where customers would impeccably book their flights from any US Airways or American Airlines networks. Such controls are an enhancement to each of the airline’s ability and results to bigger business and performance. There are a variety of positive traits of this merger. One of the major advantages is that both airlines will have eminent penetration of market than what they had beforehand. This is since they will be creating on a daily basis more than 6,500 flights to above 300 destinations in additional than 50 countries all around the globe It effected in enlarged revenues and improved governance of most important routes. The American Airlines Group subsequent to the merger, is a foremost player in the Latin American global market of airline (CAPA center for aviation). Exploitation of these prospects directs to enhanced market performance and superior capability to compact with aggressive pressure. This is since the fresh airline company, subsequent to the merger, has additional resources at its disposal that direct to superior performance. An additional advantage of the merger is increase and diversification of the products offered by the airline (Boeh Beamish, 2007). Alongside the code sharing contract that permits air travelers to book their trip from any of the websites of company, there is improved access to one world association. This entails the improved opportunities of networking for the airline in the course of business agreements with further players in the industry for instance Iberia, British Airways, and Finnair. It lets the customers’ additional choices of air travel and unforgettable experiences of travelling crosswise a superior and more improved network. This develops levels of customer satisfaction and is necessary in developing loyalty of customer. The merger as well generates one of the finest-developed program of loyalty i.e. Advantage (American Airlines, 2014). Customers have superior access to prospect to possess and redeem miles crosswise the joint routes of both airlines. It constructs the customers gain from increased utilization of opportunities and capabilities in the wider market. It as well results in increased expediency for travelers, ensuing in cost savings. The fresh organizational structure has perceived the Doug Parker retention as the Chief executive officer of the fresh entity. The merger has, consequently, seen the construction of simply one chief executive’s place as opposite to two in view of the fact that each one of these companies had its individual chief executive formerly. There were as well considerable changes in the Board of Directors for the fresh company. The newly appointed Board of Directors incorporated four representatives of US Airways employees and as well five representatives for creditors of American Airlines. The preceding Boards of the separate entities did not have such representatives. Doug Parker was formerly the chairman and chief executive of US Airways. On the other hand beneath the new position, the chief executive will not be the chairman of the board. The preceding companies in particularly US Airways had a variety of groups that exercised to operate underneath the chief executive. Such groups incorporated corporate affairs, marketing and revenue group, and finance, in addition to the operations groups. However underneath the new corporation, there are no such groups. There were no chief changes in the practices of human resource subsequent to the merger. The fresh company, American Airlines Group, adopted the majority of its human resource strategies from US Airways and maintained the majority of its top managers. The foremost reason the corporation made no important changes in their human resource strategies is owing to reasons of business. They wanted to preserve their combined market share where employees contribute a vital role. They were acquainted with the fact that preserving their existing employees to a certain extent than recruiting new ones would simply utilize the more forceful worldwide network they had access to. This was reflected in the fresh setup where representatives of employee straightforwardly represented concerns of employee in the board of directors. This was intended at enhancing the satisfaction level of for these workers. This is since advanced levels of satisfaction enhance employee retention levels. The majority of these employees had served a lot of years in both airlines and their knowledge was very important for the success of the fresh airline company. The management at both companies had instituted that the majority of their non-impressive performances formerly, for instance those in 2011 that made American Airlines file for bankruptcy were primarily owing to callous market conditions. Employees had not added to the underperformance. The merger rendering the new entity to huge resources that might facilitate it to triumph over these market challenges. In actual fact the merger was seen as an prospect where the company would present the employees better compensation and benefits for their services (Bainbridge, 2003). It was perceive as a opportunity to close up the boil feuds that had been relentless among the two companies’ management and labor unions representing workers. This was additional widespread in American airlines than at US Airways. It concludes to union representatives being integrated in the Board of the fresh entity to make certain employee concerns were not looked downward upon. The retention of the majority of the employees and practically a parallel organizational structure is owing to the effectiveness of training such personnel on leadership qualities (Galpin Herndon, 2007). This is since the fresh entity would sustain minimal costs training these employees on facets of leadership in view of the fact that the airline had obtained a bigger global presence, as it turn out to be the biggest in the world. The development of leadership qualities in all its employees is decisive to the utilization of the opportunities offered by the bigger and more composite global market. Such employees are previously familiarized to the internal operations of the airline industry as opposite to new employees that would need substantial spending on induction and training. References American Airlines. (2014). AMR merger investor presentation. Retrieved on 8th March 2014 from Boeh, K. Beamish, P. (2007). Mergers and acquisitions: Text and cases. New York. Sage publications. Bainbridge, S. (2003). Mergers and acquisitions. London. Foundation press.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Web-Based Issue Position Statement :: Essays Papers

Web-Based Issue Position Statement Introduction The use of laboratory animals in the classroom is an extremely controversial issue. Ethics as well as religion are challenged with the dissection of animals. This controversy is not a new one, animal dissection has been disputed for well over a hundred years (National Research Council, 1988). There have been numerous court cases concerning this issue and laws have been enacted to give students the right to refrain from participating in animal dissection (NABT, 1990). Background Animal dissection started hundreds of years ago in order to gain a better understanding of how the body works. It has helped us to learn about, prevent, and cure diseases that could have otherwise never been understood (National Research Council, 1988). Without animal research human health in general would be at a much lower level. â€Å" the United States, animal experimentation has contributed to an increase in average life expectancy of about twenty five years since 1900† (Research Council, 1988). Dissection was not used in the classroom until 1920 and did not become part of the regular curriculum until the 1960’s (NABT, 1990). The original attitude towards dissection in the classroom was generally supportive and understanding of the benefits of this type of study. In 1987 high school student Jennifer Graham went to court after her grade was lowered because she refused to participate in a frog dissection. After this incident, public opinion on dissection in the classroom completely changed (NABT, 1990). Since then, the controversy has heightened and researchers continue to debate with animal rights activists on the issue. People in support of animal use in the classroom present several arguments, the most popular being that it is a hands-on experience that allows student the opportunity to understand the body form and function (Lewis, 1997). It also allows students to see the actual placement of organs, the appearance and texture of tissues and organs, and the relationship of the organs with one another (NABT, 1990). Howard E. Buhse, associate director of the department of biological sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, claims that through dissection students gain a respect for the complicated way a body is put together. Buhse also states that the plastic models throw students off because, unlike the models, no body has perfect organs and there is natural anatomical variation of the placement of the organs (Lewis, 1997).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Inflation in the UK Economy Essay -- Economics Money England Essays

Inflation in the UK Economy Before starting to explain inflation it is necessary first to define it. Inflation can be described as a positive rate of growth in the general price level of goods and services. It is measured as a percentage increase over time in a price index such as the GDP deflator or the Retail Price Index. The RPI is a basket of over six hundred different goods and services, weighted according to the percentage of how much household income they take up. There are two measurements of this: the headline rate (includes all the items in the basket) and the underlying rate (RPIX) which excludes mortgage interest payments. It is the RPIX which is used more often in this country, as a feature of the UK when compared to the rest of Europe is a very high proportion of owner/occupier homeowners. This means that many people have mortgages, and as such, changes in interest rates (to control inflation) can artificially raise the headline rate. Causes of Inflation There are two main causes of inflation, 1) Demand Pull Inflation This is where the total demand for goods and services in the economy exceeds the total supply. This happens after excessive growth in aggregate demand, and creates an inflationary gap. Excess demand in the economy drives up prices, and high prices mean that Suppliers want to produce more units of their product in order to make more money. To supply more, they must increase their production capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the short run is to increase the amount of labour they employ. This means that they are paying more wages, so people will have more disposable income, and hence there is more demand in the economy. Demand pull inflation is often monetary in origin: when the money supply grows faster than the ability of the economy to supply goods and services. This concept is explained by the Quantity Theory of Money. The quantity theory of money holds that changes in the general level of prices are directly proportional to changes in the quantity of money. It is obvious though, that merely an increase in the supply would have no effect on prices. The increase must be spent in order for this to happen. This is where velocity of circulation (V) becomes important. If the total amount of all transactions is T, and the total amount of money is... ...sion (ie unemployment) are lagged ? they do not respond until after the damage has been done, and so, in the example of the Lawson Boom, because consumer demand did not respond swiftly to interest rate increases, rates were put up too much, which stifled growth instead of merely slowing it. Some people are now suggesting that the cycle of boom and bust has ended with the advent of e-commerce, as more and more firms employ increasingly fewer people, and are far more responsive to changes in demand. There is some empirical evidence to suggest this as inflation seems to have been fairly constant for the last few years (see appendix 2). However, whether this is due to e-commerce, the Bank of England having semi-autonomous control over interest rates, or some other factor, has yet to be seen. Bibliography Introductory Economics - GF Stanlake Chapter 11 Principles of Economics ? Lipsey and Chrystal Chapters 26- 32 Macroeconomics ? Greenaway and Shaw ? inflation, income and unemployment statistics ? chronology of oil prices -The Bank of England ? interest rate statistics

A Character’s Role Essay

In a world focused on elevators one wonders, what would it mean if one were to take the stairs? The Intuitionist, by Colson Whitehead, deals with the exploration of Lila Mae Watson, a black female intuitionist, who undergoes a quest to reveal what Intuitionism is all about. As a result of her quest, the connection between James Fulton, the creator of Intuitionism and Lila Mae Watson’s role as character is revealed. Lila M. Watson, the protagonist of this novel, endures a number of experiences as the first black elevator intuitionist. An accident occurs with an elevator which she was in charge of. From then on the story introduces Lila Mae’s quest for answers. Lila Mae’s life goes into detail about how fragments of her life have been shattered with grief, and racism above all. During her exam about elevators in college, she was answering flawlessly with details and precisions at the professor’s questions. The last question had nothing to do with elevators, just a reckoning to her; so that she knows that there are only twelve colored inspectors and they most of them are not even working, by making her know that even though she answered swiftly she didn’t know everything: â€Å"So you don’t know everything; that will be all Miss Watson. † (p 53) Within the story she goes into a subtle exploration of her own identity, race, and duty as a person in her position. This leads into the elusive quest for â€Å"the black box† and ultimately James’s Watson’s â€Å"Perfect elevator† But this quest of hers intertwines with the experiences of James Fulton. This intricate character deals with the many hardships that Lila Mae dealt with during her youth, only with the slight fact that he dealt with these issues with his inner self. Fulton’s secretive and deceiving nature is the actual cause of all the events that take place. James is actually a black man with light skin, who does not feel comfortable letting the world know that he is black because of his status. â€Å"Fulton’s hatred of himself and his lie of whiteness†(p 239). Although he’s not to blame because in the world they live in it is not as easy being a person of color. â€Å"There was no hope for him as a colored man because the white world will not let a colored man rise. â€Å"(p 240) For this very reason he decides to play the role of a white man. At early age he knew he would be confused for a white person, so he used this trait to achieve his greatness in life. Overtime Fulton became godly to people, because of his knowledge about elevators and what he had to write about them. â€Å"Every Tuesday James Fulton†¦. stood in the downstairs drawing room and lectured on the intricacies of his science† (p 54). One does not realize that this intuitionism is created as a joke. A joke that is taken seriously and soon evolves into the world itself. Both Fulton and Watson are two figures who struggle for one cause only. To achieve their goal in life, for Watson it is to find and reveal the perfect elevator into the world, and for Fulton it is to create and implement this perfect elevator into the world. As two black figures in a white-ruled society it is their socialistic duty to fulfill their goals and be aware that this achievement is critical for their community. Lila M. Watson is forced to go on a journey that is composed of events that will prove her innocence about the incident, discover the perfect elevator, and like Fulton, take an important position in society. She sees herself as a person who has a duty to fill Fulton’s shoes. In the other hand Fulton’s lies and secrets are what form the entire story. After having developed intuitionism for that long, he realized he needs a successor, who will deal with society. But it is Intuitionism that must be kept important until the world is ready for the perfect elevator. Fulton does not publish his work for this very reason. Like Lila Mae’s duty of finding his perfect elevator, it is his to create it. But little do we know that this perfect elevator is nothing more then what he has created as a mockery of the world he lives in. It consist of a perfect world where there exists no racial constrains. Fulton is a man who creates a perfect society in his mind and puts it in paper, but never reveals it. Lila Mae discovers this but she knows that even though she’s been living in a world of lies, it is her duty to preserve this knowledge until the world becomes a place like Fulton metaphorically described in his books. This the story that deals with one’s accomplishment to fool the world and in the meantime while everyone is fascinated by his accomplishments and fake works, he devotes his life to creating a blueprint to a better world for existence.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

We should embrace nihilism for growth

NIHILISTIC PERSPECTIVEâ€Å"Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy† ( In a nihilist perspective, there are no beliefs in dogma, religion and other socially constructed norms and standards. Nihilists question the set of universally made way of thinking and that there is nothing real in this world.SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONâ€Å"Social constructs are institutionalized entity or artifacts in a social system, invented or constructed by participants in a particular culture or society that exist because people agree to behave as if it exist, or agree to follow certain conventional rules, or behave as if such agreement or rules existed† ( Social constructs are c reated entities in which people or groups of people perceived them to be true. Social constructs are perceived realities that are put into a convention to be turned into social beliefs. Some examples of social constructs are religion, morality, sexuality, class and many more.These social constructs play a major role in people’s daily lives. Social constructs became an integral part of people’s daily lives. These became inevitable realities of their existence. Basically, how people act are based on social constructions. Social constructions dictate the everyday lives of people. Social constructs determine how people will act and what their pattern of actions is. These social constructs are the perceived rightness of actions in a particular given situation. Therefore, people’s lives are controlled and move by social constructs.Social constructs evolve and changes as time pass by. It depends on the richness of thought of human beings. The minds of human beings are very rich and full of possibilities. People have the capability of evolving one system of thought into another. A particular social construct is not permanent and will not last forever because it only depends on the people who were the ones who constructed them. Social constructs are dynamic because the minds of people are also dynamic. What most people are experiencing now may just become a history of tomorrow.THE WORLD AS A REALM OF MEANING AND CAN BE DISCLOSED BY NIHILISMFor Heidegger, he viewed the world as a realm of meanings and possibilities. These possibilities are for Da-sein to discover and the meanings are for Da-sein to assimilate. This world for Heidegger is where the Da-sein is situated and part of the facticities given to the Da-sein. This world is for the Da-sein to discover and understand. The world gives meaning to the existence of man and man is to exhaust these meanings or possibilities. Hence, the world is where the Da-sein interacts and for him to assimilate.Th is word â€Å"aletheia† describes the world for Heidegger. â€Å"Aletheia† means revelation and concealment which constitutes the world’s disclosedness to man. The world is the realm of meanings for man that man is always in constant assimilation. Even if it reveals itself to man, it also conceals something to man and that the task of man to assimilate and understand is a never-ending task and that Heidegger called man as â€Å"always already understanding the world†.The word â€Å"always† signifies the infinity of understanding that man is task to reveal the world, the never-ending task of correlation and understanding. Man as Da-sein is the very nature and function of man as a being who is thrown into this world. â€Å"Da† means there and â€Å"sein† means being. Da-sein is openness to the world and the readiness of man to exhaust and assimilate. Da-sein is the there of being of man, the very thrown ness of man into a particular con text. To understand more of man as Da-sein, we will tackle on the succeeding parts the functions of being a Da-sein.According to the great Heidegger, attunement is man’s mood or state of mind in which affects his perception of reality. He viewed man as always in the mood and is always ready to understand reality. Man as being thrown into this world, attunement is already embedded in his being. This attunement as already embedded in the being of man girds man to understand. Given the facticity of Da-sein as being-in-a-world, he is always in the mood to seize reality or to be conscious of reality and thus constituting man’s openness to the world. Da-sein as the there of being is always situated in the world thus, a temporal being.This situated ness of man gives him ample opportunity to correlate with the world and to fulfill his very nature as an understanding being who is already attuned to do so. Man becomes conscious by virtue of interaction, which is the very process of understanding for Heidegger. To correlate with the world is to exhaust its possibilities, to assimilate its meaning. Through interaction, man becomes conscious of reality, becomes conscious of meaning. Reality is already in the realm of meanings, which constitutes the world, and it is only for man that he can be conscious of and that is by virtue of correlating with the world.To question dogma and religion and other social constructs can be a tool for better understanding of reality. As discussed, Heidegger emphasized that man can slowly reveal the reality of beings by correlating with the world which is the world of meaning and possibilities. The world has its own meaning. The nihilistic view in its proper use, such as not totally for destruction but of finding the truth behind the world, it can open man’s eye to the real meaning of this world. Man as Da-sein in being a nihilist can be able to arrive at a better truth regarding the world. The world still has a lot to giv e in man’s understanding of it that is why dogmas and principles of today must be questioned because it is still not in its absolute state.NIHILISM AS A TOOL TO A BETTER UNDERSTANING OF REALITYMan’s life is full of socially constructed norms and beliefs that are the ones dictating what he ought to do and act. There is religion that dictates morality and there is government that dictates who are enemies and not such as who are terrorists and not terrorists. A society is comprised of many ideas and perspectives that battles to gain monopoly. Man is put in the center of contrasting views.With the birth of nihilism, there came an opportunity to arrive in a truth wherein wrong dogma and beliefs can be erased and replaced with better ones. Nihilism can give good effects if not put in its extreme nature of destruction. Questioning beliefs and dogma is a healthy process to undertake. Through questioning, man can slowly reveal to himself the true essence of his existence. Quest ioning must also not be intertwined with destruction because it can be a truly great means for development and better understanding.â€Å"I hope to bring some balance and clarity to a number of realities that seem to attract a great deal of misunderstanding: [1] the very serious issues of violence in Islam [including recent Muslim violence]; [2] the abhorrence that many Muslims have of violence; [stereotypes of Islam and Muslims as inherently violent]; and [4] the larger context of violence in our world [not just the Muslim world], much of which is woven into the fabric of our society in such a way that we may not even regard it as our own violence† (Hussain, 2006). The misunderstandings such as looking as a Muslim to be violent can be corrected by the nihilist perspective. People can arrive to a certain truth that not all Muslims are violent and stereotyping can be erased.NIHILISM AS A TOOL TO END CHAOS AND VIOLENCE IN THIS WORLDThe chaotic world is brought about by the diff erences in beliefs and norms and even in the practices of different religions. These are products of social constructions. With different beliefs and principles and with the devotion to such beliefs and principles, it brings chaos and even to violence. People seem to impose their own beliefs to other people which also have their own set of beliefs. By imposing one’s beliefs, it creates an atmosphere of competition that gives tensions and chaos to this world.Nihilism can be a tool to end all chaos and find peace in this world. People, in there different perspectives, can look at the common ground of their different beliefs. To question their own beliefs is a healthy process and even comparing their own beliefs to others is also a healthy process. This is an act of nihilism. People will not destroy their principles and beliefs but rather, developing it to be better set of beliefs and principles.One example can be seen in the realm of religion where we can see differences but lo oking at the greater reality of it, there are much more similarities that can be used in arriving to a better belief, a belief that can be bannered by all people from different contexts. Even the difference of science and religion, if nihilistic perspective can be used in a proper way of dialectics and questioning, people may arrive at a certain truth that science and religion has its common ground and that one will not be an opposition of the other.CONCLUSIONThe world is a realm of meaning and possibilities and is plague with socially constructed beliefs and principles. With the birth of nihilism, which is a perspective that most of a time attributed to destruction, the world may find better understanding in its hand. By the method of questioning which is a healthy process, people can arrive to better understanding of reality and the very principles and beliefs that they believe. Therefore, we should embrace nihilism.BIBLIOGRAPHYBogossian, Paul. What is Social Construction. 03 Mar. 2007Heidegger, Martin. The Question of Being. New Haven (Conn): College and University  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Press 1958.Hussain, Amir. Oil and Water: Two Faiths: One God. Pilgrim Pr, 2006.Nishitani, Keiji. Religion and Nothingness. University of California press, 1983.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Famous American Criminal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

The Famous American Criminal - Essay Example He beheaded twelve of his victims and kept some heads at his apartment as a memento. Occasionally, he would break into people’s homes in the middle of the night and beat them to death. Bundy was initially charged in the year 1975 in the US state of Utah for kidnapping and attempted murder, which led to a long list of cases of murders in different states. Bundy managed to escape the prison twice from 1975 onwards during which, he committed more murders. He was ultimately captured in the year 1978 in Florida. In two distinct trials, Bundy was given three death sentences for the murders he had committed in Florida. Bundy expressed his views upon the art of crime in these words, â€Å"You learn what you need to kill and take care of the details. It's like changing a tire. The first time you're careful. By the thirtieth time, you can't remember where you left the lug wrench† (Bundy cited in â€Å"Ted Bundy Quotes†). Bundy attributed his madness and craziness to the st uff shown in the media. At one point, he said, â€Å"there lots of other kids playing in streets around this country today who are going to be dead tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day and month, because other young people are reading the kinds of things and seeing the kinds of things that are available in the media today† (Bundy cited in â€Å"The 14 Creepiest†). Although he confessed having killed 30 women, the true number was never revealed by him (Bell). Ted Bundy was executed on 24 January 1989. He was executed on an electric chair at Florida’s Raiford Prison.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Food Insecurity and Soup Kitchens Research Paper

Food Insecurity and Soup Kitchens - Research Paper Example Introduction Food security is the â€Å"consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life† according to Nord, Hooper & Hopwood (p.1). On the other hand, â€Å"very low food security† refers to a reduction of food intake and disruption of eating patterns in households due to a lack of money and other resources for food during particular times of the year (Nord, Andrews & Carlson 5). Adequate food is essential for good health and good nutrition. Economic policy and program regimes that support the fundamental factors related to food security are capable of reducing health inequalities. On comparing Canada and the United States on the impact of food insecurity, it was found that in Canada’s levels of food insecurity are lower than that of the U.S., indicating that Canada’s is more food secure as a result of various measures, and the success of governmental and private programs in alleviating hunger. Further, problems and solutions related to food i nsecurity conceptualized for Binghamton area of New York will be conceptualized on the basis of a survey conducted and census information. Food Insecurity in Canada and in the United States Canada and the United States significantly differ in the proportions of their populations that have consistent access to sufficient food for active, healthy living. ... households twice as likely to be food insecure in relation to Canadian households with children. The important parameters that impact food insecurity across the world include income adequacy, education, household structure, presence or absence of children, residence area, and other factors. Nord et al (p.16) state that these parameters should be considered in the context of the different social, economic, program and policy systems of Canada and the United States, to achieve a better understanding of the impact of these factors on household food security. Canada’s Action Plan for Food Security in response to the World Food Summit commitment to reduce food insecurity by 2015, builds on several existing international commitments which affect food security. These emerge from current domestic programs such as Canada’s own â€Å"Nutrition for Health: An Agenda for Action; Gathering Strength: Canada’s Aboriginal Action Plan; revisions to legislation including the Fish eries Act† (Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada 5) and Canada’s evolving economic, social and environmental programs and policies. A Joint Consultative Group (JCG) composed of both government and civil society representatives have developed the Action Plan. In 2009 the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) â€Å"announced food security as a priority theme and pledged an additional $600 million over 3 years in support of this theme† (CFSPG 1). The government’s program has been successful to a certain extent. To augment the work of the government, there have been private organizers rallying forces under the banner of food security. Thus, local efforts in Canada include the setting up of food pantries, treatment of chronic diseases related to malnutrition,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Strategic and Financial Decision-making Assignment 2 - 2010 Coursework

Strategic and Financial Decision-making Assignment 2 - 2010 - Coursework Example The ‘beta’ is the most important statistics tool to measure the volatility and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a popular model to calculate the return on stock. In this report the beta values of two companies will be calculated using the share prices of the last 24 months. These two companies are British American Tobacco (BATS) and the Petrofac (PFC.L) and both of them are listed in the London Stock Exchange (LSE). British American Tobacco is one of the leading tobacco companies in UK. British American Tobacco produces cigarettes under different brands and has different price range. â€Å"Petrofac is an international provider of facilities solutions to the oil & gas production and processing industries† (Petrofac, 2010). The beta values of both the companies will be calculated using different methodologies that include covariance of the stock return with market returns and the variance of the market returns and the linear regression analysis. For calculating the betas, the monthly stock prices of both the companies were obtained and for market return the index FTSE 100 has been used. All these are the secondary source of data obtained through online sources. The historical stock prices of the both the companies are obtained through ‘Yahoo Finance’ and the historical data of FTSE 100 is also taken from the same online source (Yahoo Finance. 2010). The calculated beta values have been compared with the beta values from the published source. The published source for betas has been taken from the online source, MSN-Money (MSN-Money, U.K. 2010.). The published betas of British American Tobacco and Petrofac are 0.47 and 1.06 respectively. The two methodologies for beta calculation have been used. The first methodology will use the covariance of stock return with market return and the variance of the market return. The following model explains the beta (ÃŽ ²) under the same method. The calculation has

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Anything Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Anything - Essay Example As Hands notes, life has become difficult for millions of families. The median gross full-time weekly earnings have fallen, in inflation-adjusted terms, by 9% since 2008. Living standards for many households have been flat, at best, for much longer. During that same period, the value-added tax, which hits low-income workers hardest, has been raised to 20% (21). It is imperative to come up with means and ways to lift the incomes of those who are poorest paid. If the minimum wages are increased, this should correspond to changes in the tax code. If this were not put in consideration one-third of every pound in wage increase would be taken by the Treasury. What politicians who proclaim an increase in the minimum wage are less keen to share is that only 68% of every extra pound in increased wages actually reaches the pockets of low-wage earners. The rest is taken by the Treasury through a 20% income tax that applies to every pound of earnings above  £10,000 per year equivalent to aroun d 39 working weeks at 40 hours per week on the minimum wage and a 12% national insurance deduction on earnings above  £8,000. For the many who will also see their in-work benefits reduced, the effective marginal tax rate is more than 32% (Hands 21). This is why the claim of raising the minimum wage is a traditional method that is used by politicians. If the wages are increased the government gets credit but, on the other hand the tax revenues increased and worsen the situation. This shows that a better way to help the low-income earners is by a complete tax reform. The national insurance paid is nothing more other than tax by another name. While there has been considerable progress in raising the threshold for income tax, politicians are conspicuously quiet about doing the same for national insurance. The result is that someone working 40 hours at the minimum wage

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Instructional iBook Project for UC Irvines Neurology Clerkship Thesis

Instructional iBook Project for UC Irvines Neurology Clerkship - Thesis Example all students in the clerkship are provided iPads, the iPads will also insure that students get 24 hour access to comprehensive learning tools and student support services. As a learning tool inside and outside of the classroom, the iBook will blend the theories of problem-based learning in interactive-simulated style to help these medical students practice their critical thinking while fostering intrinsic motivation to learn and collaborate with others. Not only will the iBook aid students with their own learning, but it will also give instructors a way to measure the progress of their students by gathering data about their student’s advancement through iBook simulations and iBook assessment exams. Overall, the project will help all medical students in the Neurology clerkship to better succeed in the program and become better critically thinking medical professionals in the process. The aim of this study is to develop and design an instructional iBook project for UC Irvine’s neurology clerkship. A review of the literature is conducted to establish the rationale for developing and designing an instructional iBook project for UC Irvine’s neurology clerkship. In this regard, the subjects covered include best practices for clinical instruction, instructor certification, student MD certification, and instructional technologies in clinical settings. Clinical instruction is ‘multifaceted and complex’ with the clinical instructor required to manage a number of duties and to ‘respond to competing demands (O’Conner, 2006, p. 27). The clinical instruction is required to have a ‘working knowledge of patients assigned to students’, and must also understand the ‘healthcare problems likely to be encountered and the treatments, procedures and policies that apply’ (O’Connor, 2006, p. 27). At the same time, although students have a common educational goal, they all have different ‘learning needs’ (O’Connor, 2006, p. 27). A common problem for

Friday, October 4, 2019

Pirates Of Silicon Valley Essay Example for Free

Pirates Of Silicon Valley Essay The movie â€Å"PIRATES OF SILICON VALLEY† is all about how Apple and Microsoft got started. This creation was made because of the two intelligent people: Steve Jobs for Apple and Bill Gates for Microsoft. It shows how the first Apple computer was made which is the Macintosh. The movie is also about how the two intelligent persons compete to each other in order to be a successful or famous. It also shows how a good leader handles his employees or team. Just like with Steve Jobs. He is so abusive to his workers. It just like he is only the good person. He always wants to follow his decisions and not giving chance to listen to the opinions or decisions of his teammates. That’s why he had also a problem when it comes to his family. It is quite opposite to Bill Gates. Because Bill is just a simple man and he used his intelligence in good way. That’s why he succeeds much compared to Steve Jobs and became a wealthiest man in the world. I learned from that negative attitude of Steve Jobs. It teaches me not to be high regard to yourself in whatever achievements you will have. It’s because we cannot conclude what the future will holds, sometimes those who are not considered now might be the one who will succeed more. In everything we do, we should be humble. We should also consider the opinions of others. Their points of view will sometimes help us succeed not only for our own interest but to the whole organization as a whole. Because in an organization, it’s not only a matter of one mind functioning but it’s a sharing of thoughts, information and ideas to make the organization successful. But if there’s a negative point out in the movie, there is also a positive value that I admired. First is the companionship of each main character. The companionship of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac and with Bill Gates and Paul. Despite also of the negative attitude of Steve Jobs, I admired how he persists to be successful. After he was fired in the Apple for after five years, he started a company named NEXT and another company named Pixar. Despite of being a loser in Apple, he didn’t lose his hope to be successful again but still dreams that someday he  will be a successful one. That’s good. We should not think that rejections in our life will still be there. Let’s make it as our inspiration to achieve our goals. We should learn from our mistakes because failure is success. The more we fail, the more we will be a better one if we learned from it.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Analysis of Zaras Marketing Plan and Strategy

Analysis of Zaras Marketing Plan and Strategy Zara is a retailing chain with several stores situated worldwide. Its marketing strategy is based more on expansion rather than advertising or traditional methods of promotion. This report will provide a brief outline and a critical evaluation of Zaras marketing plan particularly in relation to its environment. The report will also identify and evaluate how technology and the new media could impact on Zaras future marketing plans. The sustainability of Zaras marketing strategy and how it will affect their reputation in the future will also be examined. Zara has already begun the implementation of the marketing strategy so a brief look at the current position and the results has also been included in this report. 2.0 Marketing Plan 2.1 Mission Statement Zara moves at the pace of society, fashion ideas, and trends that society itself has natured. Hence its success among people, cultures and generations that, in spite of their differences, share a special sensitivity for fashion. 2.2 SWOT Analysis Zaras main strengths are its early development in technology which has resulted in smoothly operated logistics, its ability to produce good designs and recent trends promptly and efficiently, its investment intensity and its participative culture (see appendix 1: Company background). Its main weakness is its customer service but it has opportunity for growth in new markets, new countries and on the internet. The firms main threat is the possible effect of the worldwide economic recession on the strength of the Euro which could increase the costs of Zaras outsourcing and ultimately remove the competitive advantage gained by its pricing strategy. 2.3 Marketing Objectives Increase customer equity Increase purchase frequency among plus size customers Continue to grow by extending the Zara fashion brand Increase brand awareness and favourable attitudes among consumers Zaras main corporate objectives are growth through store expansion in large highly populated cities and maintaining a competitive advantage through the constant release of a variety of new fashions regularly. The marketing objectives to increase brand awareness and extend the Zara fashion brand will contribute hugely towards achieving the overall objectives particularly the store expansion. 2.4 Marketing Strategy The target group consists mainly of women aged between 18 40 who are either working in big cities or pursuing higher education, have a mid-range income and are generally interested in fashion trends as well as conscious about their looks. The company has positioned itself as a store selling a variety of medium quality high fashion clothing at affordable prices and has stores in about 70 countries worldwide. The pricing strategy is to produce clothes that are typically inexpensive and affordable by those who cannot spend much on fashionable clothing but want to have appealing and comfortable outfits as well as wealthy consumers who like good quality and style. Zaras marketing strategy is to create a customer focused product that will differentiate Zara from its competitors by bringing a fresh look to the plus size segment, feeding on the existing Zara name and values associated with the brand and stealing the variety-seeking customer from the competitors. 2.5 Marketing Mix Product Price Promotion Place Physical Evidence People Process Quality Inexpensive Store display Logistics Customers Outsourcing Appearance Affordable Public relations Store atmosphere i.e. wide open spaces Suppliers In-house production Brand Inclusive (i.e not exclusive) Advertising in high Fashion magazines e.g Vogue, Harpers etc. Each line with its own section in the store Store managers Backward integration Appeal Internet Designers CSR initiative to create awareness e.g design competition for students According to McDonald M, (2007), all organizations have a mix of products or services that could be classified as either, a disaster, lowest cost, niche or outstanding success products based on M. Porters generic strategies matrix. But Zara has very few disasters, in fact it has a new product failure rate of just 1% in comparison to the industry average of 10% (Pearson, n.d.). Through backward and vertical integration, Zara keeps its costs low and therefore is able to maintain low prices whilst still retaining profitability. It does not particularly aim to produce niche products as most of the designs are either a copy from the catwalk or from other store designs. However most of the time it does have outstanding success with its products as a result of its excellent supply chain which enables it to produce new designs promptly. Zara can produce and distribute new designs within two weeks of a new style appearing on the catwalk, a feat which has given the firm a competitive advantage over competitors such as HM (Hennes Mauritz) and Gap. The firms clothes are advertised mainly through the store displays in their numerous stores located worldwide and through their attentive customer service. They also advertise on the internet and very rarely in other forms of media. The products are distributed through a complex technology based system which ensures that goods are delivered to all the stores simultaneously and on a regular basis. 3.0 The Marketing Plan and its Environment 3.1 Pestel Analysis Zara originated in Spain and with over 500 of its stores currently located there, the market has become rather saturated. Hence it has expanded to 63 countries and consequently faces various challenges usually presented by unfamiliar environments. Zara has a policy of establishing its stores only in the city centre of large cities and each store must have a minimum size of 1000 square metres. In certain countries obtaining this can be a challenge which resulted in Zara partnering with one of its main competitors, Benetton in an attempt to penetrate the Italian market. The joint venture failed after two years as they were unable to secure the required property size in an appropriate location. Furthermore Zara originally had a policy of owning all its stores which it has had to review following the entry into various countries with a restriction on total foreign ownership. Zara was forced to consider joint ventures and franchises to combat this problem and currently has several co-owned stores. The worldwide recession is also an economic factor that could create challenges for Zaras marketing plan. The credit crunch has left the populace with less disposable income and for many people, keeping up with the fashion may not necessarily be a priority in the face of rising prices and costs. In addition, inflation in the less developed countries that Zara operates in could create a risk as the profits may be less than expected. Part of Zaras corporate objectives, is to protect the environment as much as possible, which includes producing less waste, recycling where possible, the use of ecological fabrics, production of PVC footwear and use of biodiesel fuel. Ensuring that this objective is achieved is quite crucial as the companys image could be affected by the activities of pressure groups or stakeholders who might raise environmental issues in the countries that Zara operates in. There are also cultural considerations to Zaras international expansion strategy which forms the basis of its marketing plan. Despite overwhelming success in Europe over the past few years, Zara has been unable to penetrate the American apparel market successfully. It could be as a result of a difference in tastes and preferences added to the fact that the firm has not developed a strong supply chain strategy as they have in Europe. Nevertheless, cultural differences in tastes and styles could remain a challenge for a company focusing on diversification to foreign countries. In Moslem countries, Zara adds extra length to the hemlines of its dresses and in its corporate web page, it states that our international presence allows us to conclude that there are no frontiers that would impede a shared culture of fashion. Efforts will have to be made to ensure that sensitive cultural issues in foreign countries are not ignored. 3.2 Five Forces Analysis The relationship of Zaras marketing plan with its environment can be further analysed with the use of Porters five forces model. Zaras main competitors are Gap, Benetton and HM. Zara has maintained a competitive advantage over its competitors through its ability to control its supply chain. It does not share most of its suppliers as it has acquired some of them through its parent company, Inditex and unlike its competitors, most of its operations are executed in-house such as fabric manufacturing and part of the cutting and sewing processes. Indeed Zara competes with its rivals for customers but through its creation of a brand has secured customer loyalty. Its customers visit the stores on average 17 times a year compared to the industry average of 3 times and on most of those occasions purchases are made. Zara releases around 10,000 different designs every year and deliberately produces styles in small quantities to create an aura of scarcity. This ensures that customers visit regularly to see the latest designs and purchase immediately because there is no certainty that the style will be there the next day. There is always a threat of substitution, as competitors will all release the same design eventually but again, Zaras speed gives it an advantage and it would have sold out its top designs, long before the competitors who have a longer lead production time (usually five months compared to Zaras two weeks), can put the designs on the market. There are no real barriers to entry into the industry that Zara operates in other than the fact that Zara has differentiated its product. It is not a pure differentiation however since it does not charge a premium price for its products nor is it a cost leadership as it does not have the lowest possible price and does not really aim to be the lowest cost producer. What Zara has, is a combination of differentiation and cost leadership which translates to a very successful product that new entrants would have great difficulty competing with. 4.0 Zaras Marketing Plan and the Impact of New Media and Technology In the past few years social media has become increasingly popular as a mode of communication between consumers and companies or institutions. It provides a forum for conversations about a companys actions and also a means for companies to test the publics level of awareness about their activities as well as the peoples perception of them. Social media such as Twitter, Facebook and other blogs or discussion groups can also provide companies with a unique platform to raise awareness of their corporate responsibility activities. Many brands are cautious about online interaction because they are uncertain as to how they will be perceived and also the limited control they would have over dissenting views and negative reactions voiced publicly. Many CR managers are hesitant to highlight corporate responsibility issues and enable debates because they feel that they may be inviting unwanted attention. (WGSN, 2009). Yet online environments actually offer companies a broader space in which to connect with customers, NGOs and peers around sustainability issues. Social media can also be used for advertising purposes which most of the companies in the retailing industry seem to use it for including Zara and its competitors. Zara has an impressive movement on Facebook where latest designs are advertised and consumers comment on each post with an average of 400 700 comments and about 10,000 likes. However Zaras stance on corporate responsibility issues are not highlighted in the social media like their competitor HM who have detailed positions on corporate responsibility in every country they operate in. They also have a full sustainability report in relation to their activities and its impact on the environment with a section inviting the public to email them with feedback and questions. Interestingly they do not have a public forum for the publics responses and views to be aired but addressing the issues publicly is a first step in the right direction. Zara could use the social media to have a more positive impact on the public by opening up discussion boards to debate ethical and social responsibility issues in relation to their activities in all the countries they operate in. Sustainability has become a core issue for business operations and widespread stakeholder participation is critical. The social media is a relatively cheap method of communicating with a vast number of people worldwide and presents an opportunity that no company should overlook. Zara has a small blog which outlines a few sustainability and global issues or activities that the firm has engaged in such as global warming, climate change and more recently help given to the victims of the Japanese tsunami. However, this blog is not widely publicised and is more likely to be stumbled upon rather than sought out as a Facebook or Twitter page would. Zara has in the past found itself in the midst of a corporate responsibility storm such as a link to a supplier with a sweat shop factory in Bangladesh, (Procurement Leaders Forum, 2008) and another factory (also in Bangladesh) occasionally used for production which collapsed killing three people. In each incident, Zara responded swiftly and offered reparations which has earned it a high rating in terms of social responsibility. Zaras timely and effective response was further emphasised by the fact that competitor firms who also used the same factory, offered less and in some cases refused to accept responsibility altogether. Zara would however benefit immensely from having a social site where such issues could be discussed publicly and potential dangers could be highlighted to prevent such disasters from recurring. 5.0 Sustainability of Zaras marketing Strategy The sustainability of Zaras marketing strategy depends on two major factors that could have a crucial impact on Zaras activities in the long term. Unlike most of its competitors, Zara tends to avoid outsourcing to developing countries where labour is very cheap. The main reason for this is to have more control over its suppliers and to enable a rapid delivery process in addition to contributing to the employment market of its home country Spain. The result of this is that the labour costs are higher than those of its competitors but this is compensated by the speedy production of the latest styles with reasonably consistent quality. Zara does produce some generic lines in developing countries but 60% of its outsourcing is in Spain or Portugal. The current worldwide recession may however have a serious impact on this strategy. With rising labour costs and the effect of the recession on the Euro, Zara may be forced to increase the outsourcing to developing countries. This would make them lose the competitive advantage of speed and may affect their corporate image as a result of the stigma attached to the use of cheap labour in sweat shops. Pressure groups and international campaigns are constantly demanding an improvement to working conditions for employees in developing countries. Consequently even outsourcing to the Far East may cease to be a profitable option in the long term too. Another factor that could have an impact on the marketing strategy is the ever increasing focus on environmental issues. The major environmental impacts in the fabric sector arise from the use of energy and toxic chemicals which are utilised widely in many manufacturing stages such as pre-treatment, dyeing and printing. Zara currently executes most of these tasks in-house and could therefore face pressure from consumers making demands for environmentally sensitive production. This may mean that Zara would have to invest in research to find alternative materials or recycling options that could reduce the threat to the environment. Zaras marketing strategy could also face other challenges which might arise from the use of the new media. As discussed earlier, Facebook is used quite extensively for advertising and other forms of promotion. The question is how sustainable is the use of this new media for marketing purposes? Seth Godin, author of Meatball Sundae, in his presentation14 Trends No Marketer Should Ignore (XXXX), described the web as a world of new marketing which requires various trends for its successful implementation. He stressed the importance of communication between consumers and the manufacturers and also suggested that with the advent of the internet, everyone is now a critic that cannot be avoided or ignored. One picture on Youtube showing a serious lapse could undo millions of dollars of advertising. The underlying message is that the internet is a new world that companies could embrace for their marketing potential at low cost or ignore at their peril. If a company is not on any of the socia l media, they may be unaware if a campaign is carried out against them and consequently unable to execute a damage control program. Any sustainable marketing strategy should include a role for social sites. Zaras marketing strategy is mainly based on expansion which the internet could play a vital role in. Last year the company launched its first tranche of websites for some of its European markets including the UK and two weeks ago it also launched websites for Denmark, Sweden, Monaco and Switzerland. It plans to open further sites in two of the worlds largest e-commerce markets, US and Japan later this year which will increase its presence online. Seth Godin believes that we are in the middle of the next, possibly biggest industrial revolution and that the internet represents a tremendous opportunity for people who understand it. The reality is that any marketing strategy that does not include expansion online may not be sustainable in the long term. Robert Hellar (Internet Selling, ) stated that shopping has already begun to move in some force out of the high street and onto the Website. Traditional retailers will have to join this revolution that will cut costs, increase variety and make home deliveries. This development however exposes the investments in high streets to a new vulnerability and risk. As part of its expansion, Zara purchased several properties where stores are owned and these assets may in future become liabilities. The Amazon experience and the internet banking developments have shown that stores as we know them could become quite redundant and possibly mutate into nothing more than showrooms and warehouses. The sustainability of the high street stores cannot be determined; however the expansion of the websites is likely to be a sustainable strategy and a good fall back option in the event that shopping on the high street does eventually become unfashionable.